Spirit Link...
...is a single-player 3D stealth game with puzzle elements, where you control two characters: a young human girl and her friendly ghost companion. Together, they must navigate a mansion and outsmart the traps set by ghost hunters.
My role
In this prototype, I took on the role of Narrative Designer. My responsibilities included:
- Crafting the backstory for each character.
- Developing the storyboard for the cinematic sequences.
- Writing the scenario.
- Creating and refining the dialogue.
The Main characters
My goal with the characters was to explore relatable topics that are universally present, without us noticing them. Sophia, a young human, navigates a world where she feels unheard by those closest to her, searching for self-discovery. Theo, a young ghost, explores a world of solitude, where his greatest regret was never experiencing freedom. 
Sophia and Theo met in an attic of a mansion. Their meeting is interrupted by Sophia's parents, who, upon seeing Theo, immediately attempt to capture him. Though they fail to capture Theo, they succeed in capturing his parents. This event pushes the two children to venture into the manor to rescue Theo's parents. Along this journey, they will learn about one another, become close friends, and unknowingly help each other find what they’ve been searching for.​​​​​​​
Sophia’s family has been ghost hunters for generations on her father’s side. One day, Sophia accompanies her father to work. What she witnesses on the "field" traumatizes her—she finds the way ghosts are captured to be horrifying. When she tells her parents she doesn’t want to be part of the family business, her stubborn and authoritarian father refuses to listen. Desperate and disheartened by the situation, Sophia decides to pursue journalism, both to learn more about the world around her and to make sure her voice is heard.
Théo était un jeune garçon qui vivait dans les années 50 avec ses parents dans un manoir qu'ils ont hérité de ses grand-parents. Malheureusement, Théo developpe la polio dans les premières années de sa vie. Au début ce n'était pas grave, car la maladie n'était pas intense. Mais au fur et à mesure que le temps passe, sa santé se détériore, le clouant pour un temps indéterminé sur son lit dans sa chambre. De cette pièce, il regardait les oiseaux joué par la fenêtre et voulait être libre comme eux. Malheureusement, après quelque temps, Il meurt de sa maladie. Ses parents ont aussi succombé à la même maladie. Ce qui fait que maintenant, c'est une famille de fantôme qui êre leurs propre maison.



Script Page 1
Script Page 1
Script Page 2
Script Page 2
Script Page 3
Script Page 3
Flowchart and Objects
Narrative Flowchart
Narrative Flowchart
Object in environment
Object in environment
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